COMP90018 Mobile Computing Systems Programming
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Ubiquitous Computing Fundamentals
What is this course about?
This course is an introduction to mobile computing systems programming for engineering students.
What is the ubiquitous computing?
A vision of computing in which technology is embedded in the world around us, providing a seamless and unobtrusive experience to users as they go about their daily lives.
What are the main aspects of UI development for mobile devices?
- Interface: keyboard, screen, transparent/foldable screen, augmented reality
- Computing power
- Technology's progress is fast; human's evolution is slow
- What, why, who, how
- Research: discover, define; design: execute, deliver
What is the action cycle in UI development?
- The world --> Evaluation --> Goals --> Execution --> The world
What are the steps involved in the evaluation phase of the action cycle?
- Perceiving the state of the world
- Interpreting the perception
- Evaluation of interpretation
What are the steps involved in the execution phase of the action cycle?
- Intention to act
- Sequence of actions
- Execution of the sequence of actions
What is cross-platform design in UI development?
- Designing for multiple devices such as watches, phones, etc.
What are the key aspects of usability in UI development?
- Learnability
- Efficiency
- Memorability
- Errors
- Satisfaction
What is the relationship between technology and human perception?
- Technology --> Perception/experiences of reality --> Manipulate humans (good and bad)
What is ubiquitous interaction?
- Interaction that occurs on the user vs in the environment
What is the hardware renaissance?
- Rapid prototyping 快速原型设计
- Mass customization 大规模定制
- Cheap development 低成本开发
What is Moore's Law?
- The number of transistors on a chip doubles every two years 每两年芯片上的晶体管数量翻倍
How do sensors convert physical phenomena into data?
- Physical magnitude/phenomenon 物理量/现象 --> Sensor --> Data
What are some examples of mobile sensors?
- Camera
- Magnetometer 磁力计
- Ambient light sensor 环境光传感器
- Gyroscope 陀螺仪
- Microphone
- Barometer 气压计
- Fingerprint 指纹
What is the activity lifecycle in the context of sensors?
- When listening, when not listening, i.e., battery concern
How is measurement represented in signal processing?
: Measurement : True value : Noise, in the form of Gaussian distribution
What is a mean filter?
What are the characteristics of mean/median filters?
- Easy to implement
- Efficient
- Great cost benefit
- Laggy 滞后的
- No dynamic model
What are the characteristics of a Kalman filter?
- Predictive
- Dynamic model
- No lag
- Tunable trade-off between model and measurement
- Uncertainty estimate
- Cheap to run
- Parameter not intuitive
- Overshooting 超调
What are the key components of a location-based system?
- Reality reproduction
- Acquisition
- Processing
- Display
- Perception
What is the history of the Global Positioning System (GPS)?
- GPS has been in use since 1970
What are some examples of indoor localization?
- Nintendo 3DS
What are the types of localization systems?
- Client-based location system
- Device computes its own location
- Privacy, local computation power
- Network-based location system
- Network infrastructure calculates the position of the device
- Active Badge system
- Low cost, low privacy
- Network-assisted location system
- Assisted GPS (基站)
- Fast, accurate, data charge
How can location be represented?
- Absolute: address, GPS coordinates
- Relative: A is 3km south of B
- Symbolic: descriptive, e.g., home, work
What are the methods to determine location?
- Proximity 接近度
- If in a range
- Strength of signal
- Time of flight (ToF)
- Trilateration 三边定位
- 3 circles determine a point
- Hyperbolic lateration 双曲线定位
- Signal arrival time
- Triangulation 三角定位
- Angle of arrival (AoA)
- Antenna
- Fingerprint
- Signal characteristic
- Temporal stability
- Spatial variability
- Collect data --> training --> localization
- Dead reckoning
- Direction computed from previously
- Location
- Elapsed time
- Direction
- Average speed
- Visual localization
- Cameras, depth sensors
- Structure from Motion (SfM)
- Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (vSLAM)
What is the goal of context awareness?
- Intelligent behaviors
What types of context/information are used in context awareness?
- Location, time, event, environment, etc.
What did Mark Weiser say about profound technologies?
- “The most profound technologies are those that disappear. They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it.” Mark Weiser, 1991
What are proactive applications?
- Applications that anticipate user needs
How is data collected in context awareness?
- Tagging, sharing
What is the Human Activity Recognition (HAR) System?
- Execution
- Generalization
- Recognition
- Activities
- System model
What factors should be considered when choosing a sensor?
- Accuracy: how close to the true value
- Precision: how close to each other
- Operating range
- Resolution or sensitivity
- Cost
- Energy consumption
- Lifespan
What are the steps in handling data for context awareness?
- Raw data
- Preprocessing
- Segmentation
- Feature extraction
- Classification
- Context determination
What are the design techniques used in prototyping?
- Sketching: ideation, refinement
- Storyboarding
- Prototyping: evaluation, usability
What are the stages of a low-fidelity prototype?
- Concept of operation
- Requirement and architecture
- Detailed design
- Implementation
- Integration, test and verification
- System verification and validation
- Operation and maintenance
What should be prototyped?
- Workflow, task
- Screen layouts and information displays
- Difficult, controversial, critical areas
- ...
What is the difference between fidelity and functionality in prototyping?
- Fidelity vs functionality
What are the types of prototyping?
- Evolutionary vs throwaway
- Horizontal vs vertical
- Horizontal: all screens, no functionality
- Vertical: some functionality in some screens
What should you consider when testing your project?
- Which aspect of your project do you want to test?
- Keep it cheap and dirty
- Encourage feedback!
What is the difference between native and cross-platform development?
- Native: rich APIs, all functions, need license
- Cross-platform: HTML5
What are some frameworks for mobile development?
- RN: Facebook, JS
- Flutter: Google, Dart
- Xamarin: Microsoft, C#
- Ionic: PWAs
- PhoneGap: Adobe, HTML, CSS, JS
- jQuery Mobile
What is AWARE?
- A platform for mobile sensing
Why evaluate?
- Cause and effect: with isolation
- Predictions
- Test a hypothesis
What is the difference between causation and correlation?
- Causation vs correlation
What are the components of experimental design?
- Independent variables
- Dependent variables
- Conditions
- Repeated measures
- Independent measures
What is the difference between experimental and quasi-experimental design?
- If it is random
What are the steps to create a focus group?
- Create
- Plan
- Run
What is ethnography?
- Observe
- Interview
- Participate
What is the Wizard-of-Oz technique?
- Don't implement the hard part
- 用户认为他们在与一个自动化系统交互,但实际上是人在后台手动操作
What are Nielsen’s usability heuristics?
- Match between system and the real world
- Consistency and standards
- Help and documentation
- User control and freedom
- Visibility of system status
- Flexibility and efficiency
- Error prevention
- Recognition rather than recall
- Error reporting, diagnosis 诊断, and recovery
- Aesthetic and minimalist design 美观和简约设计
What are some general heuristics for usability?
- Meet expectations
- User is the boss
- Handle errors
- Keep it simple
What are the privacy and security concerns in location-based services?
- Private information
- Traffic monitoring
- Social networking
- Advertising
What is rendezvousing?
- 设备或节点在网络中相互发现和通信的过程
What does it mean to be stealthy in location-based services?
- Be at a location without anyone knowing you are there
- Passive devices such as GPS
What is anonymity in location-based services?
- Separate location information from an individual’s identity
What is K-anonymity?
- Every record in the table is indistinguishable from at least k-1 other records with respect to quasi identifiers
What is cloaking in location-based services?
- 隐藏用户的精确位置,通过提供一个较大的区域来模糊实际位置
What is a decentralized system?
- No central authority
What is negative information?
- Any information except positive information
What are some methods of social engineering?
- Password
- DAS (draw a secret)
- Passpoints (click on a picture)
- Passfaces (recognize faces)
What are CAPTCHAs?
- Completely automated public Turing test to tell computers and humans apart
What are some long-standing privacy/security issues?
- Prove your device is where you claim to be
- Associate with other devices
- Authenticate in public
- Multi-model authentication
What are the characteristics of augmented reality?
- Interact with the real world
- Real-time
- 3D
What technologies are used in augmented reality?
- Tracking
- Display
- Input
What are the limitations of augmented reality?
- Registration of information
- Tracking error
- Latency
- Visual field of view
- Depth cue mismatch
- Impact of lighting conditions
- Uncomfortable technology
What is an interesting experiment in augmented reality?
- AR for drunk/sleepy people
What is an advanced evaluation method?
- Crowdsourcing
What topics were covered in the guest lecture on mobile sensing and edge intelligence?
- Gait analysis
- Mobile sports analytics
- On-device LLM