COMP90044 Research Methods
What is this course about?
This course is an introduction to research methods for computer science students.
What is research?
In a research domain, come up with a research question, and then find the answer to the question. A good statement of the research question is the half of the answer.
What is a good research question?
A good research question should be clear, focused, researchable, and sufficiently complex.
How to formulate a research question?
- Identify a broader subject
- Research existing literature and data
- Use the three-step formula:
- Topic: I am studying [xxx]
- Question: Because I want to find out why/what/how [xxx]
- Significance: In order to help the reader understand [xxx]
What is the purpose of a literature review?
The purpose of a literature review is to provide understanding, identify gaps, establish a theoretical framework, and highlight significance.
What are the expectations for research writing?
- Originality and contribution
- Clarity and precision
- Logical structure
- Evidence-based arguments
- Critical and objective analysis
- Scholarly engagement
- Methodological rigour
- Ethical considerations
- Proper referencing
- Implications and suggestions
What should not be included in research writing?
- The history of the research project
- Opinion presented as fact, unsupported claims
- Jokes
- Essay
- Wiki speculation
- "Just so" stories and creation myths
- Complaint
How to conduct advanced search?
Use advanced search queries like (Robotics OR “Artificial Intelligence”) AND Vision.
How to read and write critically?
Read and write with questions in mind, focusing on objectives, motivations, basis, and significance.
Don't say "it is popular" or "it is important". Always ask "why".
What types of research are there?
- Back water research
- Use-inspired or blue-sky
- Develop solutions
- Work on emerging research areas
What are the suggestions for publishing?
- Books
- Free books don't matter, sharing is the purpose
- Journal or conference
- A* is not important, good ideas are important
- Gold is gold anywhere
What are common mistakes in performance analysis?
- Is the system correctly defined and the goals clearly stated?
- Are the goals stated in an unbiased manner?
- Have all the steps of the analysis followed systematically?
- Is the problem clearly understood before analyzing it?
- Are the performance metrics relevant for this problem?
- Is the workload correct for this problem?
- Is the evaluation technique appropriate?
- Is the list of parameters that affect performance complete?
- Have all parameters that affect performance been chosen as factors to be varied?
- Is the experimental design efficient in terms of time and results?
- Is the level of detail proper?
- Is the measured data presented with analysis and interpretation?
- Is the analysis statistically correct?
- Has the sensitivity analysis been done?
- Would errors in the input cause an insignificant change in the results?
- Have the outliers in the input or output been treated properly?
- Have the future changes in the system and workload been modeled?
- Has the variance of input been taken into account?
- Has the variance of the result been analyzed?
- Is the analysis easy to explain?
- Is the presentation style suitable for its audience?
- Have the results been presented graphically as much as possible?
- Are the assumptions and limitations of the analysis clearly documented?
How should the opening of a presentation be?
The opening is the only chance to grasp attention.
How to control the number of slides in a presentation?
1 or 2 minutes per slide, go fast because the audience forgets fast.
How should the conclusion of a presentation be?
The conclusion should leave a long-lasting impression.
What is the role of statistics in research?
Statistics are used to prove hypotheses, such as using a t-test to determine if there is a significant difference between the means of two groups.
What are the ethical issues in research?
- Stealing ideas/data
- Plagiarism
- Never edit raw data, read only
- Science is self-correction
What are research metrics?
Research metrics are systems or standards of measurement, including publications, citations, and impact factors.
How to assemble a good research argument?
- Plan the argument early to support research questions
- Acknowledge and respond to alternatives, complications, and objections
- Use warrants to justify the relevance of reasons to the claims
- Determine what kind of claim to make and be clear about it
How to clarify research aims and objectives?
- Aim broad, objective specific
- SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound)
What are milestones and deliverables in research planning?
- Milestones: significant events indicating the completion of a phase, non-tangible
- Deliverables: specific, tangible outcomes
What are the risks in research?
- Technical
- Operational
- Financial
- Legal and regulatory
- Ethical
- Stakeholder
- External
What are the methods of research planning?
- Rolling wave planning
- Sprint planning
- Fail fast, fail cheap
What is qualitative research?
Qualitative research is a method of inquiry that focuses on understanding the meaning of social phenomena with the goal of developing theories.